Group of Providers

Increase Revenue & Cash Flow

Charge Capture Solutions

Charge Lag Time Report

(Actual Results)

Cassidi helps your system increase revenue.

Cassidi connects your health system with disparate IT systems or brings charges back from providers practicing out of network. Our charge capture solutions simplify provider workflow; here's how:

AlertMD Integration

Integrate Your Health System

We integrate across all industry systems and make the flow of data seamless. Your patient list, documentation and more will be available to your providers in an easy-to-use mobile platform. We then pass the pro-fee bills back to the practice to close the loop.

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Increase Billing & Cash Flow

Cassidi increases billing by ~7-16% by plugging missing charges and advances cash flow by 9 days with our proprietary missing charge audit process. Make missing charges a thing of the past with Cassidi.

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Group of Providers
ICD10 Finder

Communicate Together

We create a messaging solution that enables your clinical documentation improvement (CDI), billing and coding team to communicate with providers and vice versa.

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Performance turned up to 11

Cassidi's results are top-notch. Just take a look for yourself.

30% Productivity Increase
98% Coding Accuracy Improvement
90% Identification Rate
7+% Revenue Increase
10% Case Mix Index Improvement

3 Modules, Pick Your Solution

Doctors Entering Charge
Manual Entry Cassidi Semi-auto Cassidi Automated
Fast, Easy, Secure Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Multi-Platform Support: Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Free Staff Accounts Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Auto-Cloud Sync Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Sign-Outs Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
CPT & ICD10 Favorites Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Reporting & Analytics Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Email Summaries Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Automated Rounding List Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
Automated Charge Capture Checkmark icon
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Hospitals don't close, and neither do we. Our 24/7 world-class support team is here to assist you no matter the time of day. Free webinar trainings can be scheduled at your convenience so you and your staff can get the most out of AlertMD.

We could go on and on about feature after feature, but we'd rather show you.

Schedule a risk-free demo now.

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